

  • Consumer Packaged Goods

Nespresso was launching its new Ispirazione Italiana collection, but needed a memorable way to position it for the competitive westcoast market.

Our strategy? Align Ispirazione Italiana with classic expressions of Italian heritage, culture and gastronomy — in keeping with “an authentic Italian espresso experience.”

MILK launched the collection with an after-work Italian aperitivo at Vancouver’s iconic Caffé La Tana — a twist on the more traditional morning soiree — introducing a coffee-infused cocktail, make-your-own affogato and hero coffee station, complemented by traditional Italian bites.

287 pieces of coverage

Across traditional and social media.

Finally, in a CSR campaign conceptualized by MILK, Olympic donated yogurt to food banks during the busy holiday season, earning widespread media coverage.

  • Restaurants & Hospitality

Earls Restaurants

  • Consumer Packaged Goods

Olympic Dairy